You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Reach out anytime and our knowledgeable support team will assist you right away.
You can reach latakoo support anytime at
For emergencies, call the support line at (877) 882-5666.
The latakoo Flight app is available for MacOS, Windows, iOS, and Android devices.
In the desktop app, click the options button; your app version will be at the bottom of the options screen. It will say something like, The current desktop app is version 6.8.4.
In the mobile apps, click on the settings tab; your app version will be at the bottom of the screen. The current mobile app version is 3.3.4.
If you can’t remember your password, enter your email address on the latakoo login page and click the “Forgot Password?” button to reset it.
Users with SSO (single sign-on) login cannot reset passwords via latakoo.
If you upload your video using any compression with the latakoo app, the file will always land in the cloud as an MP4.
The video can be downloaded/transcoded into any format from the cloud.
When you upload a file with no compression, your content will retain its original format.
In the desktop app, click on the options button; your app version will be on the bottom of the options screen. The current desktop app is version 6.8.4.
In the mobile apps, click on the settings tab; your app version will be at the bottom of the screen. The current mobile app version is 3.3.4.
If you cannot remember your password, enter your email address on the latakoo login page and then click the Forgot Password? button to reset your latakoo password.
Passwords cannot be reset via latakoo for customers using SSO (single sign-on) login.
Email or call our support line at (877) 882-5666 and the latakoo support team will check on your account right away.
If you upload your video using any compression with the latakoo app, it will always land in the cloud as an MP4.
The file can be downloaded/transcoded into any format from the cloud.
If you upload a file with no compression, we do not touch the file and it will retain its original format.